Care Home Extensions and Refurbishment
This site originally had 2 Care Homes, run by the same charity, together with a number of Extra Care apartments and bungalows with a community centre used by those residents. We have completed 2 phases of work at this location, where the larger of the two care homes has been sold and redeveloped by a private developer. As the homes shared a number of facilities, we had to relocate these in the smaller home, which was to be retained, including the main reception for the home, the administration areas, commercial kitchen as well as increase the number and size of the communal dining rooms and lounges. The home being retained had a hidden entrance, accessed from a poor quality car park. This part of the ground floor has been flipped, placing the entrance on the street frontage and creating an additional garden in place of the car park. The ground floor is occupied by those people with Dementia, with two gardens linked to two Lounges at this level. Those people requiring physical care occupy the First Floor with extended dining and Longe rooms, linked to the new garden via a ramp.