Student Housing - Conversion and Extension to two homes in Manchester

A project for one of our regular client's and built by his preferred contractor for works in the south, Tamasi Ltd, sees the conversion and extension of a pair of homes to provide accommodation for university students. The project involved the change off use initially, followed by the construction information to convert the existing garages and extend to the rear of each home to provide the necessary number and size of rooms to ensure the projects future viability.
The team from Tamasi lived locally for the duration of the contract, and communicated with us via video and photographs where elements required further discussion or thought. As stated the garages were converted to provide an additional bedroom and en-suite in both properties. The existing bedrooms were upgraded and both homes were extended at ground floor to provide the necessary living, dining and kitchen spaces. Externally the gardens were tidied and simplified with new BBQ areas to each of the homes.

Baoshan Retirement Village, Shanghai